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Fadroma Upload

Fadroma takes care of uploading WASM files to get code IDs.

Like builds, uploads are idempotent: if the same code hash is known to already be uploaded to the same chain (as represented by an upload receipt in state/$CHAIN/uploads/$CODE_HASH.json, Fadroma will skip the upload and reues the existing code ID.

Upload CLI

The fadroma upload command (available through npm run $MODE upload in the default project structure) lets you access Fadroma's Uploader implementation from the command line.

$ fadroma upload CONTRACT   # nil if same contract is already uploaded
$ fadroma reupload CONTRACT # always reupload

Upload API

The client package, @fadroma/agent, exposes a base Uploader class, which the global fetch method to obtain code from any supported URL (file:/// or otherwise).

This fetch-based implementation only supports temporary, in-memory upload caching: if you ask it to upload the same contract many times, it will upload it only once - but it will forget all about that as soon as you refresh the page.

The backend package, @hackbg/fadroma, provides FSUploader. This extension of Uploader uses Node's fs API instead, and writes upload receipts into the upload state directory for the given chain (e.g. state/$CHAIN/uploads/).

Let's try uploading an example WASM binary:

import { fixture } from './fixtures/'
const artifact = fixture('fadroma-example-kv@HEAD.wasm') // replace with path to your binary
import { upload } from '@hackbg/fadroma'
await upload({ artifact })
import { getUploader } from '@hackbg/fadroma'
await getUploader({ /* options */ }).upload({ artifact })

import assert from 'node:assert'
//await import('./Upload.test.ts')