
pub use fadroma_platform_scrt as scrt;
pub use scrt::cosmwasm_std;
pub use scrt::schemars;
pub use scrt::serde;
pub use fadroma_proc_derive as derive_contract;
pub use fadroma_proc_message as proc_message;


Feature flag: admin Transaction authentication by pre-configured admin address.

Feature flag: composability Modular contracts using native trait composition.

Feature flag: ensemble Configurable integration testing harness.

Feature flag: killswitch Emergency pause and termination of contracts.

256-bit arithmetic, checksums and pseudo-random numbers.

Feature flag: permit Authentication using SNIP-24 query permits.

Start here. use fadroma::prelude::* to get the essentials for writing smart contracts with Fadroma.

Build InitResponse and HandleResponse using expressions.

Feature flag: snip20-client Command SNIP-20 tokens from a contract.

Feature flag: snip20-impl Customizable implementation of a SNIP-20 token.

Utilities for interacting with the native key-value storage.

Feature flag: vk Viewing key authentication.


Define the mod wasm entrypoint of production builds.

Implement ContractHarness for the harness struct. Use this to enable Fadroma Ensemble for a contract.

Implement the Composable Core for a struct { storage, api, querier }

Because Rust can’t yet genericize over mutability, this macro can be used to implement the same readonly methods twice - once for &S and for &mut S.

Wrap status levels around the match statement that does your handle dispatch.