Wallet is a wallet capable of signing on transactions.

Wallet can just extend AminoWallet and be a valid DirectSigner because SecretNetworkClient checks first for the existence of signDirect function before checking for signAmino function.


  • AminoWallet
    • Wallet



address: string

The account's secret address, derived from publicKey

coinType: number

The coin type in the HD derivation path

hdAccountIndex: number

The account index in the HD derivation path

mnemonic: string

The mnemonic phrase used to derive this account

privateKey: Uint8Array

The secp256k1 private key that was derived from mnemonic + hdAccountIndex

publicKey: Uint8Array

The secp256k1 public key that was derived from privateKey


  • Returns Promise<readonly AccountData[]>

  • Parameters

    • signerAddress: string
    • signDoc: StdSignDoc

    Returns Promise<AminoSignResponse>

  • Parameters

    • address: string
    • signDoc: SignDoc

    Returns Promise<DirectSignResponse>

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