An object representing a given source code.




cargoCrate?: string

Name of crate.

cargoFeatures?: string[] | Set<string>

List of crate features to enable during build.

cargoToml?: string

Path to the crate's Cargo.toml under sourcePath

cargoWorkspace?: string

Path to the workspace's Cargo.toml in the source tree.

log: Console
sourceDirty?: boolean

Whether the code contains uncommitted changes.

sourceOrigin?: string | URL

URL pointing to Git upstream containing the canonical source code.

sourcePath?: string

Path to local checkout of the source code (with .git directory if sourceRef is set).

sourceRef?: string

Pointer to the source commit.



  • Returns {
        sourceDirty?: boolean;
        sourceOrigin?: string;
        sourcePath?: string;
        sourceRef?: string;
        [key: string]: unknown;
    } & {
        cargoCrate?: string;
        cargoFeatures?: string[];
        cargoWorkspace?: string;
        [key: string]: unknown;

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