interface MsgTransferParams {
    memo?: string;
    receiver: string;
    sender: string;
    source_channel: string;
    source_port: string;
    timeout_height?: SecretJS.Tx.Height;
    timeout_timestamp?: string;
    token: SecretJS.Tx.Coin;

Hierarchy (view full)


memo?: string

optional memo

receiver: string

the recipient address on the destination chain

sender: string

the sender address

source_channel: string

the channel by which the packet will be sent

source_port: string

the port on which the packet will be sent

timeout_height?: SecretJS.Tx.Height

Timeout height relative to the current block height. The timeout is disabled when undefined or set to 0.

timeout_timestamp?: string

Timeout timestamp (in seconds) since Unix epoch. The timeout is disabled when undefined or set to 0.

the tokens to be transferred

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