Module @fadroma/devnets

Fadroma Devnet API

Obtaining a Devnet

import * as Devnet from '@fadroma/devnets'
const devnet = new Devnet.ScrtContainer.version["1.9"]()

Creating the devnet

When scripting with the Fadroma API outside of the standard CLI/deployment context, you can use the getDevnet method to configure and obtain a Devnet instance.

getDevnet supports the following options; their default values can be set through environment variables.

At this point you have prepared a description of a devnet. To actually launch it, use the create then the start method:

At this point, you should have a devnet container running, its state represented by files in your project's state/ directory.

To operate on the devnet thus created, you will need to wrap it in a Chain object and obtain the usual Agent instance.

For this, the Devnet class has the getChain method.

A Chain object which represents a devnet has the following additional API:

Devnet state

Each devnet is a stateful local instance of a chain node (such as secretd or okp4d), and consists of two things:

  1. A container named fadroma-KIND-ID, where:
  • KIND is what kind of devnet it is. For now, the only valid value is devnet. In future releases, this will be changed to contain the chain name and maybe the chain version.

  • ID is a random 8-digit hex number. This way, when you have multiple devnets of the same kind, you can distinguish them from one another.

  • The name of the container corresponds to the chain ID of the contained devnet.

  1. State files under your-project/state/fadroma-KIND-ID/:
  • devnet.json contains metadata about the devnet, such as the chain ID, container ID, connection port, and container image to use.

  • wallet/ contains JSON files with the addresses and mnemonics of the genesis accounts that are created when the devnet is initialized. These are the initial holders of the devnet's native token, and you can use them to execute transactions.

  • upload/ and deploy/ contain upload and deploy receipts. These work the same as for remote testnets and mainnets, and enable reuse of uploads and deployments.

Devnet accounts

Devnet state is independent from the state of mainnet or testnet. That means existing wallets and faucets don't exist. Instead, you have access to multiple genesis accounts, which are provided with initial balance to cover gas costs for your contracts.

When getting an Agent on the devnet, use the name property to specify which genesis account to use. Default genesis account names are Admin, Alice, Bob, Charlie, and Mallory.

This will populate the created Agent with the mnemonic for that genesis account.

That's it! You are now set to use the standard Fadroma Agent API to operate on the local devnet as the specified identity.

Custom devnet accounts

You can also specify custom genesis accounts by passing an array of account names to the accounts parameter of the getDevnet function.

Cleaning up

Devnets are local-only and thus temporary.

To delete an individual devnet, the Devnet class provides the delete method. This will stop and remove the devnet container, then delete all devnet state in your project's state directory.

To delete all devnets in a project, the Project class provides the resetDevnets method:



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