TxResponse: {
    arrayLog?: ArrayLog;
    code: TxResultCode;
    codespace: string;
    data: Uint8Array[];
    events: Event[];
    gasUsed: number;
    gasWanted: number;
    height: number;
    ibcResponses: Promise<IbcResponse>[];
    info: string;
    jsonLog?: JsonLog;
    rawLog: string;
    timestamp: string;
    transactionHash: string;
    tx: TxPb;

A transaction that is indexed as part of the transaction history

Type declaration

  • Optional Readonly arrayLog?: ArrayLog

    If code = 0, arrayLog is a flattened jsonLog. Values are decrypted if possible.

  • Readonly code: TxResultCode

    Transaction execution error code. 0 on success. See TxResultCode.

  • Readonly codespace: string

    Namespace for the Code

  • Readonly data: Uint8Array[]

    Return value (if there's any) for each input message

  • Readonly events: Event[]

    Events defines all the events emitted by processing a transaction. Note, these events include those emitted by processing all the messages and those emitted from the ante handler. Whereas Logs contains the events, with additional metadata, emitted only by processing the messages.

    Note: events are not decrypted.

  • Readonly gasUsed: number

    Amount of gas that was actually used by the transaction.

  • Readonly gasWanted: number

    Gas limit that was originaly set by the transaction.

  • Readonly height: number

    Block height in which the tx was committed on-chain

  • Readonly ibcResponses: Promise<IbcResponse>[]

    If code = 0 and the tx resulted in sending IBC packets, ibcAckTxs is a list of IBC acknowledgement or timeout transactions which signal whether the original IBC packet was accepted, rejected or timed-out on the receiving chain.

  • Readonly info: string

    Additional information. May be non-deterministic.

  • Optional Readonly jsonLog?: JsonLog

    If code = 0, jsonLog = JSON.parse(rawLow). Values are decrypted if possible.

  • Readonly rawLog: string

    If code != 0, rawLog contains the error.

    If code = 0 you'll probably want to use jsonLog or arrayLog. Values are not decrypted.

  • Readonly timestamp: string

    An RFC 3339 timestamp of when the tx was committed on-chain. The format is {year}-{month}-{day}T{hour}:{min}:{sec}[.{frac_sec}]Z.

  • Readonly transactionHash: string

    Transaction hash (might be used as transaction ID). Guaranteed to be non-empty upper-case hex

  • Readonly tx: TxPb

    Decoded transaction input.

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