A contract that is part of a deploment.

  • needed for deployment-wide deduplication
  • generates structured label

Hierarchy (view full)



chainId?: string

Code ID representing the identity of the contract's code on a specific chain.

codeHash?: string

Code hash uniquely identifying the compiled code.

codeId?: string

Code ID representing the identity of the contract's code on a specific chain.

compiled?: CompiledCode
compiler?: Compiler
deployer?: string | Connection
deployment?: Deployment

Deployment to which this unit belongs.

log: Console
name?: string

Name of this unit.

source?: SourceCode
uploaded?: UploadedCode
uploader?: string | Connection


  • Compile this contract, unless a valid binary is present and a rebuild is not requested.


    • __namedParameters: {
          compiler?: Compiler;
          rebuild?: boolean;
      } = {}
      • Optional compiler?: Compiler
      • Optional rebuild?: boolean

    Returns Promise<CompiledCode & {
        codeHash: string;

  • Returns {
        chainId: string;
        codeHash: string;
        codeId: string;
        name: string;

    • chainId: string
    • codeHash: string
    • codeId: string
    • name: string
  • Upload this contract, unless a valid upload is present and a rebuild is not requested.


    • __namedParameters: {
          compiler?: Compiler;
          rebuild?: boolean;
      } & {
          reupload?: boolean;
          uploadFee?: ICoin[] | "auto";
          uploadMemo?: string;
          uploadStore?: UploadStore;
      } & {
          reupload?: boolean;
          uploader?: string | {
              upload: ((code, options?) => Promise<UploadedCode & {
                  chainId: string;
                  codeId: string;
      } = {}

    Returns Promise<UploadedCode & {
        codeId: string;

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