
  • SecretNetworkClient



address: string
broadcastSignedTx: any
broadcastTx: any

Broadcasts a signed transaction to the network and monitors its inclusion in a block.

If broadcasting is rejected by the node for some reason (e.g. because of a CheckTx failure), an error is thrown.

If the transaction is not included in a block before the provided timeout, this errors with a TimeoutError.

If the transaction is included in a block, a TxResponse is returned. The caller then usually needs to check for execution success or failure.

chainId: any
decodeTxResponse: any
decodeTxResponses: any
encodeTx: any
encryptionUtils: any
getTx: any
populateCodeHash: any
sign: any

Gets account number and sequence from the API, creates a sign doc, creates a single signature and assembles the signed transaction.

The sign mode (SIGN_MODE_DIRECT or SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON) is determined by this client's signer.

You can pass signer data (account number, sequence and chain ID) explicitly instead of querying them from the chain. This is needed when signing for a multisig account, but it also allows for offline signing (See the SigningStargateClient.offline constructor).

signAmino: any
signAndBroadcast: any
signDirect: any
signTx: any
simulate: any
txsQuery: any
url: any
utils: {
    accessControl: {
        permit: PermitSigner;

Type declaration

  • accessControl: {
        permit: PermitSigner;
    • permit: PermitSigner
waitForIbcResponse: any
wallet: any


  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<Uint8Array>

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