TxOptions: {
    broadcastCheckIntervalMs?: number;
    broadcastMode?: Scrt.SecretJS.BroadcastMode;
    broadcastTimeoutMs?: number;
    explicitSignerData?: Scrt.SecretJS.SignerData;
    feeDenom?: string;
    feeGranter?: string;
    gasLimit?: number;
    gasPriceInFeeDenom?: number;
    ibcTxsOptions?: Scrt.SecretJS.IbcTxOptions;
    memo?: string;
    waitForCommit?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional broadcastCheckIntervalMs?: number

    When waiting for the tx to commit on-chain, how much time (in milliseconds) to wait between checks.

    Smaller intervals will cause more load on your node provider. Keep in mind that blocks on Secret Network take about 6 seconds to finalize.

    Defaults to 6_000. Ignored if waitForCommit = false.

  • Optional broadcastMode?: Scrt.SecretJS.BroadcastMode

    If BroadcastMode.Sync - Broadcast transaction to mempool and wait for CheckTx response.


    If BroadcastMode.Async Broadcast transaction to mempool and do not wait for CheckTx response.

  • Optional broadcastTimeoutMs?: number

    How much time (in milliseconds) to wait for tx to commit on-chain.

    Defaults to 60_000. Ignored if waitForCommit = false.

  • Optional explicitSignerData?: Scrt.SecretJS.SignerData

    explicitSignerData can be used to override chainId, accountNumber & accountSequence. This is useful when using Async or when you don't want secretjs to query for accountNumber & accountSequence from the chain. (smoother in UIs, less load on your node provider).

  • Optional feeDenom?: string

    Defaults to "uscrt".

  • Optional feeGranter?: string

    Address of the fee granter from which to charge gas fees.

  • Optional gasLimit?: number

    Defaults to 25_000.

  • Optional gasPriceInFeeDenom?: number

    E.g. gasPriceInFeeDenom=0.1 & feeDenom="uscrt" => Total fee for tx is 0.1 * gasLimituscrt. Defaults to 0.1.

  • Optional ibcTxsOptions?: Scrt.SecretJS.IbcTxOptions

    Options for resolving IBC ack/timeout txs that resulted from this tx.

  • Optional memo?: string

    Defaults to "".

  • Optional waitForCommit?: boolean

    If false returns immediately with only the transactionHash field set. Defaults to true.

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